The entrants are entitled to ask for explanations and further information regarding the brief. Questions should be sent by e-mail to questions (@ ) Questions presented at the competition seminar on 15.6.2012 and the answers to these will be published by July 2012 on the competition website. Questions asked by e-mail should be received by 3.8.2012 at the latest.
The questions and the answers of the jury will be published as soon as possible on the competition website, however by 3.9.2012 at the latest.
The "option of building a bridge across the railway area ending at Mikkeli Science Center” (page 25) is a connection for vehicles or for pedestrians/cyclists?
There’s been an error in English translation and the bridge is already in place as it can be seen in photos (see pages 37, 54, 62) and maps. It is for pedestrians and cyclists only.
Does this connection on page 25 refer to the same on page 43? The "third option for crossing over or under the railway area in the city center". (page 43) Is a connection for vehicles or for pedestrians/cyclists? Here it mentions that could be under the railway, is it at our choice?
Entrants must propose a third option for crossing over or under the railway. It can be for vehicle and pedestrian traffic or only for pedestrians and cyclists. IMPORTANT: Entrants only has to show location of the connection and weather it goes over or under the railway and also if it for vehicles. You don’t have to design this connection as it falls outside the competition area.
You may use following symbols in the general layout plan:
Above ground connection
Below ground connection
If Saksalankatu underpass is maintained (page 43), is still necessary to add a third crossing for vehicles? Could this crossing be only for pedestrians/cyclists?
Yes. Please see previous question.
On the sub-areas 1 and 2, there are protected buildings to be maintained. Could we consider that areas for building rights (sum existing areas with new building areas)?
Recommendation for overall amount of new construction is max. 370 000 m². Protected buildings are not included in this number.
Where is to be applied "other competition area" of 0-10,000 m2?
Could this area not be taken into account? (page 41) • Is there any declassification, if in one of the sub-areas the minimum area is not achieved?
Recommendations for amount of construction varies between 205 000 m² - 370 000 m², as they are recommendations no automatic disqualification applies even if they are not respected. Entrants in that case should have sound logical reason for deviation.
When the brief says "the secondary aim is to exploit building rights to the full". Is it supposed to design a scheme to achieve maximum areas indicated? Or is it acceptable if the proposal presents average areas?
It is up to contestant discretion to exploit building rights to the full or not.
On the sub-area 1, will be place Mikkeli Science Center, with an area of 14.000 m2 (page 53). Should this area be summed to the one given, such as 144,000 - 214,000 m2, or that area is already included on 130,000 - 200,000 m2?
It is new construction so it should be included in the Sub-area 1 total amount of construction (130 000 – 200 000 m²).
Page 43 "Traffic" states 200 000 m2 can be built in competition area without building new road. If this is not the case what is the maximum floor area that can be built without new roads? We assume this statement refers to area 1 on the map page 40, please confirm.
Traffic studies shows that up to 220 000 m² can be built in the sub-area 1 before traffic congestion increases to intolerable levels. City prefers lower amount so 200 000 m² is the maximum recommended. Using the maximum 200 000 m² requires a new road link sub-area 1 to Pursialankatu –street. Whether the proposed road link is built or whether we content ourselves with lower building rights depends on the entrants’ solutions.
About the program’s areas, we can see that the minimum and the maximum area building rights (floor area) are very different. Could you explain what is the maximum and the minimum recommended area and in which values are based these parameters?
All necessary information about construction volume and how to distribute it can be found in the Competition Brief. Please see pages 40 & 41.
Can you supply a map information on central buildings by the market square that are in poor condition, unoccupied or abandoned?
All buildings on central square are occupied and in good condition.
Is it possible to send photos of a pedestrian view point (see map 1 attached)?
We have posted more photos on Satamalahti website (Gallery).
What is the recommend area for this public square to accommodate 10.000 people in festivals?
There is no recommended area but it would be natural to combine the space for festivals with the operations of the Science Centre, such that parking spaces, for example, could be shared.
At this stage, is it necessary to indicate what functions (clubs, nurseries), its floor area and their specific location on the proposal (page 49)?
Entrants may propose these functions. It will be easier to evaluate what kind of community space is created if the jury knows locations and functions proposed. Floor areas don’t have to be shown.
Page 24 Map: Will the dredged areas become available for building? What does yellow shade represent?
The entrants may modify the Savilahti shoreline, the jetty systems and propose artificial islands, provided that the water surface area does not change significantly. The Savilahti reed bed will be dredged to make it suitable for boats.
On page 24 map the two shaded areas show protected bird sanctuary (dark green) and reed bed to be dredged (light green).
Page 30 Map: Please explain why the area – old harbour – identified in pink?
Diagram on page 30 shows public transportation system. Old harbour area is shown in pink because it will function as open harbour for all boats/ships to drop off or pick up passengers.
Is double sided corridor access flats acceptable in terms of local building regulations/design standards/design guidance?
It is unclear on the page 42 which line and area is proposed to limit vehicle traffic only for buses (and according to this, does it means that the vehicles are not allowed in the sub-area 1)
Dotted line in black is for buses and pedestrians. Line dot line represents railway tracks. Vehicles are allowed in Sub-area 1.
We would like to know which are the differences between the Business Use (15%) and Service Use (10%). The Science Center and the Port, with offices, bar and restaurants will be in the Business Use or in the Services Use? Are the Use Business Office Buildings?
Shops, stores, markets, boutiques, restaurants etc. are considered business.
Kindergartens, libraries, schools, hospitals, museums etc. are considered services. They can be provided by city or private enterprises.
Plans for Science Centre include both types.
According to most current photos, there is the construction site near the pedestrian bridge. Is this new building relevant and if it is, what is its purpose?
The construction is for a new residential building. It’s not relevant for the competition.
Is there any plan or prevision of the town of Mikkeli to implant any specific residential uses or typology?
The goal is to concentrate all future construction for apartment flats higher than 3 floors in the Satamalahti area. Approximately 600 meters north lies Rokkala area which will be more oriented towards single family homes near city centre.
Which height should the bridge be to Graani be and also for the pedestrian bridges?
A new bridge alongside the existing Savilahti bridge will have the same height as the existing bridge. Savilahti bridge has a pathway for pedestrians and cyclist on Northern side, new bridge would have the same feature on Southern side.
Why the program indicate the dredging of the reed beds since it is a multifunctional ecological area which can be combined with a residential developments planned?
Reed areas are quite common in Finnish lakes. Majority of lake shorelines have natural reeds and sometimes excess nutrition’s from agriculture flows into lakes and increases reed growth to a level where it is advisable to dredge some areas as decaying reeds destabilize the local water ecosystem.
On page 52 in the Competition Brief is a diagram of modifiable shore line. Participants are free to design various shorelines including artificial islands that can incorporate small reed areas.
What is the waterlevel in the dry or wet season and what´s the maximum-level and the minimum-level? And are there any floodings in the area and in witch month of the year?
Water level of Saimaa in Satamalahti area varies between +74,96 and +76,70 meters. The amount of water in Saimaa is so large that high rainfall in one month doesn’t necessarily affect the water level very much; any change is a result of conditions in previous years. Satamalahti has never experienced flooding.
Can boats also run when the lake is iced? And when there´s a flow how width is it and where is it running?
The ice get’s so thick in wintertime that it’s not possible to use regular boats. Ships require help of icebreakers in order to move between larger harbours. Because of the ice Saimaa canal is usually closed for few months starting in January.
Are there any areas in or around the city where festivals take place? And if there are some, how many events take place there and what kind of?
There are numerous festivals held in Mikkeli. Some are held in Market Square, some in harbour, some in sport fields or in concert hall. They are mostly music, sport and market festivals.
Are there any special habits of finnish people or in particular the inhibitants of Mikkeli? What do they like to do?
Finns typically go to their summer houses during June, July and August.
What is the daily alternation of ebb and flow for the lake and the channel if there´s one?
There is no currents or tides in the lake.
In sub-area 2, there is a transportation terminal and a protected bird sanctuary but for the Masterplan you require 20-50,000 m2 of buildings.
Should we avoid the protected bird sanctuary?
Yes, the bird sanctuary is protected. You should not propose any construction on it.
We are participants for the Satamalahti competition, we find difficulties in looking for the informations on the existing building height, which is extremely inportant for the urban study of the city. Could you please advise us how the get the related information?
In the competition brief you can find a map on page 14 that shows buildings that are protected and buildings that might be protected in the future. You can find photos of those buildings in the competition brief and on the competition’s website. Annex G has floor plans of customs and warehouse buildings, elevations, photographs. All other buildings are to be demolished.
On the sub-areas diagram (page 40), the area 1 has an additional plot on the top left corner (opposite side of railway line) which is not part of the competition boundary. Should we consider that plot for construction purposes or was a mistake?
You should not propose any construction outside the competition area defined on page 14. Diagram on page 40 gives construction recommendations for amount of construction and instructions how to distribute it. Sub-areas 1-4 have approximate boundaries and 0-10 000 m² are left to be distributed freely in the competition area (outside sub-areas 1-4).
Is it possible to demolish the building located on the top left of the area (see map 2 attached)?
Yes, if it falls within the competition area.
Why is a part of the street on the north of the area included in the competition area?
According to traffic studies, a maximum of 200,000 m² (floor area) of new construction may be carried out in Sub-area 1. This requires the opening of a new road link between Laiturikatu –street to Tuppuralankatu -street.
Are there any more detailed maps of the pollution / pollutants of the overall area of the competition?
Diagram on page 26 in the competition brief shows soil clean up area. There are other areas that have contamination including the Savilahti water base. The city will take responsibility for cleaning all contaminated areas before construction take place.
What precisely was the industrial activity that previously occupied the waterfront site and contributed to contamination of the soils in areas A,B, and C (page 26 of the brief)?
Waterfront side has had numerous industrial activities during last 150 years during which the waterfront has changed significantly Industrial activity included wood storages, oil storages, coal storages and concrete brick factory. Industry reclaimed more areas from Saimaa by filling it with dirt, contaminated soil, contaminated construction waste etc. (see diagram on page 20).
Is it acceptable to design some buildings with more than 8 stories? (page 39)
The target number of floors in Satamalahti varies from 3 to 8, in individual cases there may in principle be as many as 12. Apartment building higher than that would result in oversupply of apartments that would be difficult to sell in a single year.
What is the minimum distance recommended to place buildings/roads away from the railway line?
There are no limitations how close you can build or locate roads to the railway tracks as long as you stay within the competition boundary. Buildings located close to railway tracks can be constructed in a way that eliminates noise and vibration. This is of course more expensive so competitors have to find balance between costs and amount of construction to offset these extra expenses.
Is it possible to send photos of a pedestrian view point (see map 1 attached)?
We have posted more photos on Satamalahti website (Gallery).
What is the recommend area for this public square to accommodate 10.000 people in festivals?
There is no recommended area but it would be natural to combine the space for festivals with the operations of the Science Centre, such that parking spaces, for example, could be shared.
At this stage, is it necessary to indicate what functions (clubs, nurseries), its floor area and their specific location on the proposal (page 49)?
Entrants may propose these functions. It will be easier to evaluate what kind of community space is created if the jury knows locations and functions proposed. Floor areas don’t have to be shown.
Page 24 Map: Will the dredged areas become available for building? What does yellow shade represent?
The entrants may modify the Savilahti shoreline, the jetty systems and propose artificial islands, provided that the water surface area does not change significantly. The Savilahti reed bed will be dredged to make it suitable for boats.
On page 24 map the two shaded areas show protected bird sanctuary (dark green) and reed bed to be dredged (light green).
Page 30 Map: Please explain why the area – old harbour – identified in pink?
Diagram on page 30 shows public transportation system. Old harbour area is shown in pink because it will function as open harbour for all boats/ships to drop off or pick up passengers.
Is double sided corridor access flats acceptable in terms of local building regulations/design standards/design guidance?
It is unclear on the page 42 which line and area is proposed to limit vehicle traffic only for buses (and according to this, does it means that the vehicles are not allowed in the sub-area 1)
Dotted line in black is for buses and pedestrians. Line dot line represents railway tracks. Vehicles are allowed in Sub-area 1.
We would like to know which are the differences between the Business Use (15%) and Service Use (10%). The Science Center and the Port, with offices, bar and restaurants will be in the Business Use or in the Services Use? Are the Use Business Office Buildings?
Shops, stores, markets, boutiques, restaurants etc. are considered business.
Kindergartens, libraries, schools, hospitals, museums etc. are considered services. They can be provided by city or private enterprises.
Plans for Science Centre include both types.
According to most current photos, there is the construction site near the pedestrian bridge. Is this new building relevant and if it is, what is its purpose?
The construction is for a new residential building. It’s not relevant for the competition.
Is there any plan or prevision of the town of Mikkeli to implant any specific residential uses or typology?
The goal is to concentrate all future construction for apartment flats higher than 3 floors in the Satamalahti area. Approximately 600 meters north lies Rokkala area which will be more oriented towards single family homes near city centre.
Which height should the bridge be to Graani be and also for the pedestrian bridges?
A new bridge alongside the existing Savilahti bridge will have the same height as the existing bridge. Savilahti bridge has a pathway for pedestrians and cyclist on Northern side, new bridge would have the same feature on Southern side.
Why the program indicate the dredging of the reed beds since it is a multifunctional ecological area which can be combined with a residential developments planned?
Reed areas are quite common in Finnish lakes. Majority of lake shorelines have natural reeds and sometimes excess nutrition’s from agriculture flows into lakes and increases reed growth to a level where it is advisable to dredge some areas as decaying reeds destabilize the local water ecosystem.
On page 52 in the Competition Brief is a diagram of modifiable shore line. Participants are free to design various shorelines including artificial islands that can incorporate small reed areas.
What is the waterlevel in the dry or wet season and what´s the maximum-level and the minimum-level? And are there any floodings in the area and in witch month of the year?
Water level of Saimaa in Satamalahti area varies between +74,96 and +76,70 meters. The amount of water in Saimaa is so large that high rainfall in one month doesn’t necessarily affect the water level very much; any change is a result of conditions in previous years. Satamalahti has never experienced flooding.
Can boats also run when the lake is iced? And when there´s a flow how width is it and where is it running?
The ice get’s so thick in wintertime that it’s not possible to use regular boats. Ships require help of icebreakers in order to move between larger harbours. Because of the ice Saimaa canal is usually closed for few months starting in January.
Are there any areas in or around the city where festivals take place? And if there are some, how many events take place there and what kind of?
There are numerous festivals held in Mikkeli. Some are held in Market Square, some in harbour, some in sport fields or in concert hall. They are mostly music, sport and market festivals.
Are there any special habits of finnish people or in particular the inhibitants of Mikkeli? What do they like to do?
Finns typically go to their summer houses during June, July and August.
What is the daily alternation of ebb and flow for the lake and the channel if there´s one?
There is no currents or tides in the lake.
In sub-area 2, there is a transportation terminal and a protected bird sanctuary but for the Masterplan you require 20-50,000 m2 of buildings.
Should we avoid the protected bird sanctuary?
Yes, the bird sanctuary is protected. You should not propose any construction on it.
We are participants for the Satamalahti competition, we find difficulties in looking for the informations on the existing building height, which is extremely inportant for the urban study of the city. Could you please advise us how the get the related information?
In the competition brief you can find a map on page 14 that shows buildings that are protected and buildings that might be protected in the future. You can find photos of those buildings in the competition brief and on the competition’s website. Annex G has floor plans of customs and warehouse buildings, elevations, photographs. All other buildings are to be demolished.
Are there any points where the traffic usually get stucked and where are these points?
There are no real traffic jams in Mikkeli. It has been estimated that traffic congestion will increase when Satamalahti is built and first problems with traffic flow will occur in Asema split-level junction and possibly on Mannerheimintie without the new road link between Laiturikatu and Tuppuralankatu.
I am asking you to clarify if the ratio kid/sqm is accurate or not.
Typical ratio for kindergarten lot is 50-70 m²/child.
Do more statistics exist on the city fabric and population: such as the number of empty lots/buildings; job type distribution; job and housing distribution? And the number of inhabitants per neighborhood in Mikkeli (Maunuksela, Saksala, Paukkula, Savilahti, Kenkavero)
We will post answer for this question soon.
Paukkula: NONE
Kenkäveronniemi: NONE
What were the warehouses used for in the past?
Storages for goods and timber/wood products.
What amount and types of existing infrastructure are present on the contaminated soil areas A,B,and C sections of the site?
The competition area is located close to excellent transport connections; collector streets encircle Satamalahti to the east and west, while to the south the main highway VT 5 leads to the city centre via the Kaihu and Satama split-level junctions. At the moment the harbour area contains the Carlson ironmongers, the Agri Market machinery and garden retailer, Fixsus and AD who sell spare parts, and other small businesses. These functions will be moved elsewhere and the buildings will be demolished.
Page 14 Map: what is the function of the curved building to be protected?
It is an old locomotive warehouse for Finnish National Railways.
Page 49 "Guest harbour" Would you please identify on a sketch map which is the “’s small harbour ..” referred in the text as “..will be sited outside…”.
Diagram below shows existing concrete pier in red, jetties in yellow and a quest harbor in green south of the competition area.
The VT5 and the railway are to be left as they are? Can they be reorganized/ redesigned?
They should be left intact as they are not part of the competition.
Can you clarify the current and future use of the train trains, and would the city consider a reduction of the number of train tracks in the future if this is predicted to have lower usage?
Please see previous question.
Could we work out of the limits described? For example, the train area and the railway. Are there any more organizations, apart from Mikkelin City, implicated in the project? We do not know if we can work with the railway and integrated in our project. Can we make new proposal with the main road VT 5?
Annex E shows the boundary of the competition area. Railway area is not included in competition area, neither is the highway VT 5.
Page 47 "Noise ..." refers to "..noise wall ...". Does this mean buildings other than residential use acting as noise reduction function?
Noise wall in this case refers to a solution where a building acts as a noise barrier. This can be a residential building or other type like commercial or office building.
Page 47 "Noise… What distance from VT5 that will be acceptable for residential use with a noise wall and without a noise wall? Please advise both distances and the height of the noise wall which will be used to evaluate the submissions.
Noise levels inside buildings can be controlled with thick walls etc. The problem are areas around residential buildings used as playground for kids etc. Finnish legislation states that noise levels in residential areas should be under 55dB between 7-22 o’clock and below 45 dB during 22-7 o’clock. You can find diagram showing daytime noise level prediction in 2030- on page 56.
Residential buildings acting as a noise barrier should be minimum 15 m. in height. They should create a protective barrier for courtyard area that residents use. For courtyard size you should calculate 10 m² for each apartment.
Areas around commercial and office buildings don’t have the same noise restrictions as residential areas.
Are parking areas (up/below ground) included on the sub-areas recommendations (page 41)?
Or the sub-areas do not include parking?
Parking below ground should not be calculated in the construction volume.
Parking below deck, but above ground should not be calculated in the construction volume.
Parking in a multi-level car park should be calculated in the construction volume.
If the floor area in plot 1 will be 130.000 m2, then it will be needed it 1529 parking spaces. Is that correct? (according to page 31)
Parking spaces. The parking place predicted for the competition rules are 1 car for every 85m2 floor, and is the same in all the areas. Are these parking places included only in the parking spaces in the proposed road?
Entrants have to decide where and how to provide for required parking spaces, they can be on streets, in parking lots, garages etc.
Can you provide us with a 3d digital model of the city?
There are wide variety of 3D programs available each using it’s own standard. Providing 3D model in one format would favour participant using one particular program. Each contestant has to build their own 3D model.
Can we have access to a GIS database of the city?
Some of our databases have been provided for free in
Could the A1 panels, the A3 dossier and the CD/DVD and the JPG be all in a single pack for posting purposes? Or should each element be wrapped up/packed separately?
They can be in a single pack.
When posting, should this single pack have a label with “Pseudonym_0000”?
One question regarding page 55 of the competition brief, 4. introduction for entries, 4.1.1. panels: it is mentioned that a maximum of 6 panels is allowed. it is further mentioned what the panels should present. 6 points are mentioned, 1. general layout, 2. oblique aerial view, etc… does that mean that each point has to present one panel or can the amount of panels be reduced if all the required information (according to competition brief page 55) can be implemented?
You should use all 6 panels as each panel has to have certain information that has to be shown on particular panel. If there are empty spaces left on the panels it’s up to the entrants to decide what other information/images they want to show if any.
The general layout plan inserted into an oblique aerial photograph” is a tree dimensional photomontage or a two dimensional one?
It should be three dimensional photomontage.
Page 61 "Documents..." is there a limit to number of letters in "PSEUDONYM"?
There is no limit to a number of letters in pseudonym.
Annex K Would you please locate the camera position on a map, preferably with the camera lens angle, direction on both plan and section (angle from horizontal)
It’s an aerial photograph; exact location, altitude etc. are not known.
Annex B We assume we will use this map for our presentation. The maps are is larger than A1 at 1:2000 scale. Would you please define (superimpose) a A1 boundaries for fair assessment to all competitors and re issue?
When you insert the competition area on A1 format there isn’t a lot of leeway around the boundaries so it’s not an issue of great importance.
Does the 11 pages maximum include the presentation A3 panels?
A3 dossier with annexes may not exceed 11 pages. This includes reductions of six competition panels so entrants have 5 pages left for other required information.
Should we present a plan or diagram with functions per floor?
In page 55 in Competition Brief you can find instructions what to present and how.
In chapter 4.1.2 Floor area should be presented as total amount of floor area (i.e. total amount of construction) in Sub-area 1-4.
On the A3 Dossier, it must be quantified the “parking per property:
number and location principle”. Could we indicate the number of parking on each sub-area 1, 2, 3 and 4?
Parking should be indicated per property: number and location.
The area density and block density is from each sub-area or in the total area?
Area density is for total area.
Block density is for each block.
JPG of the general layout plan is to be submitted in the CD/DVD? If not here, indicate where?
You can include it with the other competition material submitted in the CD/DVD or USB stick.
We would like to know if our team has registered this competition.
There is no requirement for prior registration in order to participate. All you have to do is to submit your entry by mail or other delivery service by 1.10.2012 to the address given on page 63 in the Competition Brief.
Is the science center area included in the sub-area 1 floor area?
Is there any specific location for Mikkeli Science Center, in sub-area 1?
Yes, please see page 14 in the Competition Brief. Pink colour shows area where the Science Centre should be located. Exact location is up to entrants to decide.
What do you mean by “a small number of homes may also be indicated at this site” (page 53)? What site? Mikkeli Science Centre could have houses next to it?
Mikkeli Science Centre has 14 000 m² of floor space, including museum space, business premises etc. Small number of homes i.e. apartments can be incorporated into it.
Page 53 "Mikkeli Science Centre" would you please explain what function "business premises" expected to perform?
At this point city studying with consultants what type of business would be suitable for the building and who might be interested. No definite plans have been announced.
In case of posting the documents required, the deadline of 1st of October is for you getting the proposals in the address given or the last day of sending by post?
1.10.2012 is the last date to send your proposal by mail. We have allowed couple of weeks for deliveries/mail to arrive before the jury starts its work.
Page 61 “Confidentiality” Please advise, when sending our submission by post or currier, how can we maintain anonymity, as most curriers and post offices ask for the details - name and address -of the senders?
The competition secretary will act as an independent entity who will open letters and packages with senders identification and remove them before passing the material for evaluation.
Are there any special requirements for the postal service delivery of the proposal? Such as air mail, registered post or something else? If we handle in the proposal to the Danish postal service on the 1.10.2012, should we scan and email the receipt to you? And will we then receive confirmation from you that the proposal is submitted on time, or how do we make sure submission is done correctly?
Competition entries must be marked “SATAMALAHTI” and must be submitted on the date stated to the address below no later than 3 p.m. or submitted for delivery by the postal service or equivalent delivery service on the same date. The date of submission is to be undisputedly clear and it must be possible to provide evidence of the date of postage on request.
Mikkelin kaupungin kirjaamo
Maaherrankatu 9-11
50100 Mikkeli
For plot 3, the only remain of the waste water treatment plan will be “a small detached house next to the main road”, all of the rest will be cleared out, correct?
Yes, this is correct.
What is the exact location of the water pump that should be kept in sub-area 3?
It should be close to VT5 and Pursialankatu –street junction. Exact location would be decided based on the competition results.
Can you clarify the categories MA, T and LHA are in the zoning plan provided?
AM Huoltoasema Gas station area
LHA Henkilöliikenneterminaali Passanger terminal area for public transportation
LP-1 Pysäköimisalue Car parking area
LR Rautatiealue Railway traffic area
LS Satama-alue Harbour area
LT Tiealue Vehicle traffic area
MA Maisemallisesti arvokas peltoalue Valuable field scenerey
T, TK Teolllisuusalue Industrial area
TV-2 Varastorakennusten korttelialue Storage area
PI Istutettava puistoalue Park area, to be planted
Y Yleisten rakennusten korttelialue Public buildings
In regards to the Zoning Plan - at the top of page 25 there is a reference to the drawings being outdated. Please clarify which main aspects are outdated in the plan? What are the main limitations in regards to zoning alteration?
Zoning plans that are within the competition area can be modified in any way. The city will draw a new Master Plan based on the winning entry.
Does the Science Centre have a theme?
The Science Centre will promote ecological design. Satamalahti will be displayed in the Science Centre as an example of ecological urban planning. The Centre itself will be targeted for schools and has other functions as well. The Science Centre will be approximately 2 000- 3 000 m2of the whole building.
What other functions does the Science Centre include?
The Centre will include multitude of public spaces, as for example music institute, museum, hotel, congress centre. The combination is dependable upon how the Centre’s building costs will be funded.
Why is the Science Centre apart from Mikkeli University Consortium?
The Centre will act as tourist attraction and this location was considered suitable for it.
Do you have blueprints on the warehouses? What functions can be located in them?
The National Board of Antiquities has yet to publish its opinion on warehouses. The blueprints can be found on competition briefs.
Is the competition part of SmartCity2020-project?
Mikkeli’s development strategy has 5 spearhead’s of which digital solutions is one. SmartCity2020-project aim is to find practical solutions for the city’s urban planning. Satamalahti-competition is more of a townscape competition but digital solutions can be applied in plans.
Why is Saksala waterfront excluded from building?
Saksala waterfront is meant to be public space. However, the shoreline can be modified.
Veturitallit is contaminated building. Is the soil of the area also contaminated and if it is, can it be removed?
The soil has to be removed but the building itself can not be demolished.
Are all the rail tracks on the area in use or can their area be used for building?
Timber loading has ceased on the area. Boundary of the competition area shows what areas are for building.
What kind is the urban structure in Rokkalanjoki area?
The Hospital District is planning on moving Moisio psychiatric hospital to plantation area between railroad, Rokkalanjoki and Tenholankatu. Official decision hasn’t been made and the Hospital District is still considering financial implications of the matter. We will post preliminary plans of the hospital in competition homepage. However, the plans are not official and will probably change.
Plan for westside of Rokkalanjoki has just reached force of law. We will post plan and pictures on competition homepage.
What targets do you have for environments, nature’s and recreation area’s quality?
These areas do not have any set values. The participants must consider them independently. We wish to have different proposals. We are emphasising accessibility in competition brief because of aging population.
What is Satamahti’s use at the moment?
Satamalahti is a boat harbour. There’s a plan for guest harbour in Pursiala. Large boats and ships will dock in Satamalahti.
Are the plans for Pursiala guest harbour advanced so, that there is no need to propose more space for guest harbour in Satamalahti?
You can propose more space for guest harbour. Pursiala guest harbour is private venture. City of Mikkeli is ready to pass its guest harbour functions.
What plans are there for unbuilt area in Graani?
The area is owned by YIT Group and planning of the area has been restarted. The goal is to make plans meet LEED-certification. It’s difficult to estimate how this will affect plans for the area. Original plan included tower buildings but we have no information, how much the plans have changed. We will post information on competition site if YIT allows it.
Is there a plan for connection between Graani and water treatment plant.
As it states in the competition brief, in the future the waste water treatment area will be linked to Graani by a parallel road running alongside the Savilahti bridge.
Have you considered enough about the logistical importance of the area and its separate location from urban structure?
I would cost too much to build above railroad when considered the amount of building space. Mikkeli is becoming Finland’s biggest summer cottage municipal at the start of next year. Traffic network’s importance will rise but it hasn’t been taken into the competition brief. Competition has to be realistic and avoid gathering every theme into the competition.
Crossing the railway by bridge is out of question. How about a tunnel connection?
We are asking solutions for traffic network in competition brief. Connection with city centre and competition area must be established.
Do steamboats still arrive in Satamalahti harbour?
There hasn’t been regular commercial shipping for years, only pastime traffic.